Each year, we have our actions and policies evaluated by Ecovadis, an independent body. For the fiscal year 2024, Exiom partners won the silver medal again (among the 15% of companies best rated by Ecovadis).

As a signatory of the Science Based Targets initiative “SBTi”, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint by 42% by the end of 2030.

Carbon assessment carried out by a third party ORKI on scopes 1, 2 and 3.

Exiom ranked 5th best company in France where it is good to work in the 2024 ranking in the category of less than 250 employees.

*Issue du sondage


Les collaborateur.ice.s sont traités équitablement.


Les locaux et équipements contribuent à un cadre de travail agréable.

Exiom ranked 4th best company in France in 2024 by ChooseMyCompany, following an 8-month survey conducted among interns and work-study students.

Carbon assessment carried out by a third party ORKI on scopes 1, 2 and 3.

Sensibilisations et formations RSE

Des formations et des sensibilisations sont dispensées aux collaborateurs sur ces différents volets de la RSE :

Santé et sécurité
Economie circulaire
Diversité et discrimination
Achats responsables
Alternatifs durables & gestes du quotidien

Nos engagements RSE

CSR awareness-raising and training

Training and awareness-raising activities are provided to employees on these various aspects of CSR:

Health and safety
Circular economy
Diversity and discrimination
Responsible purchasing
Sustainable alternatives & daily actions